Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Direction, more then on a compass.

Well when this was started I really did not know where I wanted it to go. Winging it is something to be avoided, or at least think it out, and the subject of the new first post.

The direction of this blog will be to help the geeks and nerds of the world who, need help. I may not be a professional in the fashion department; I am one in the style department. So I will start with a brief guide to getting respect.

1.) Be clean! Yesterday was yesterday and today is today. No more worry’s, leave it behind put it away. Also even more importantly TAKE A SHOWER, if you think you might be okay your not.

2.) Think before you leap. Look at what clothing you have, only the clean clothing, and look at other blogs and magazines. Now what looks like a style you want for you? Baggy jenco's and a ratty shirt? This was never a good look, girls will not like you looking like this, and if they do you must have a golden personality. Time to capitalize on that personality.

2.5) Color theory. You never wear black and brown together. This is it dose not look that bad, but that is what makes it horrible. Look at your colors and try to get some things that compliment each other. Soft yellow and blue tones look good. Never put on all the same color, even if it is all black. This is your armor, if you look dumb you will feel dumb, and if you do not feel dumb others will point it out.

3.) No one cares about you. Your parents should, a few other people do to. Most people don't, and if you are in High School nobody in your school gives a shit at all about you.

4.) Never cut your self down. Never. Ever. and never in front of other people.

5.) Shut up. Silence is golden. Want girls to like you and talk to you? Well if you are following along they will be noticing you by now, don't be surprised when people take notice of a well kept person. You are your own worst enemy, keep stories short and to the point. Stay on topic in conversation. And girls like mystery if you listen to what they are talking about you are being mysterious and sensitive. Daddy might not listen and you can fill that hole.

6.) Don't be a jerk. If you have to get away from your 'friends' who are jerks then be alone and work self-improvements.

7.) Laugh. Have you seen people, historical. Never make fun of anything people cannot change. So if you are rocking a dumb outfit, you can be reticule. If a man falls out of his wheel chair you need to discreetly help him out. If someone dose mock something like this call them out and mock them.

8.) It's not about money. Design is free! something pretty and something fugly can be had at all prices. Think before you buy.

9.) Welcome? Studio 54 was this hott night club, I mean hotttttt. Anyway they would make stars wait in line and let truck drives in. It was all about your attitude, and your shoes. You not well heeled unless your well heeled.

10.) It's a start. This is only the beginning. Now you can work on your foundation, get some freshness flowing.

So start going to goodwill, a thrift store, neiman- marcus, anyplace really and start to take pride in your look. Look at Kanye West, he is always looking for what is hot tomorrow, and so can you define your own destiny and look good doing it.

Added incentive! If you look like a nice person, and you are well dressed you can get away with more!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

At least it was fun.

In the London Guardian today we can read about the NIC's forecast of the future US, one with much lower standing in the world. Bleepdeep is not really surprised by this forecast, or feel that the alternate energy and environmental concerns are strong and true. Nor that the timing of this is off at all (if anything it could be sooner). Just, it was so short. From the time when my grandmothers mother was born to when I will die, the US will have risen to glory and it will fade away. Sic transit gloria mundi

first post

As we go through an economic downturn how will design fair? Well as seen in the past, design will do well. But can this slump be different? We at bleepdeep think that it certainly can and should. As designers we need to activate your selves and take this prime opportunity to restructure the world. T. Boone Pickens is calling for a more 'green' infrastructure to sprout up and take hold. Creating a 'new America' a more aware America? Let's hope so.

When I was young I lived in Sweden, recycling was not seen as a 'green' thing to do, to aid the environment. It was mandatory, you had to do it. Some, more forward thinking, cities in the US are now putting this sort of thing in effect (e.g.: Portland). As the citizens we should look to make it known that this is to sort of thing that we would like to see (if you agree with that). Perhaps this is the turning of a new age, no less important than the industrial revolution, grate depression, or reconstruction. We will have to take hold and steer destiny in the direction we see fit. It is our duty isn't it?